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We were celebrating with our students as they opened their results, as many staff returned to congratulate them all.We wish them every success for what comes next and welcome back all those that enrolled with us for Sixth Form 🎉


We were celebrating with our students as they opened their results, as many staff returned to congratulate them all.We wish them every success for what comes next and welcome back all those that enrolled with us for Sixth For 🎉


Another great results day for our amazing HAO students. They (along with our staff), have worked really hard this year to achieve some fantastic results.


At HAO, we are proud of all our students! We celebrate their successes, what they have learnt from any challenges, and believe that there is so much hope in their futures, wherever they choose to go.


A reminder to all those getting their A Level results today - no matter what your results are, be proud of yourself and what you have achieved.#ALevelResultsDay


Prepped and ready to welcome our students for


⭐Best of luck to all Harris students who are receiving their A Level results today!We'll be sharing updates and photos throughout the day to celebrate their brilliant achievements


Whilst HAO did not win the engineering challenge (a shame, but it was still fun), we did excel and was placed first in the recall quiz section that tested students knowledge across all three sciences! Amazing!Thank you to for hosting this exciting event.


3 Y7 scientists participated in the Egg Race yesterday, a competition involving STEAM challenges (and a scavenger hunt). One of the challenges was to engineer a working trebuchet that would launch an item (a yummy marshmallow), into an open distance.


Save the date Sixth Form Applications!For more information on how to apply, click the following link:


In recognition of D-Day, the HAO catering team adapted their lunch menu (and venue), to some of the things people would have eaten at the time. A great display and some very yummy food.


Y13 had a fantastic cultural farewell lunch, to celebrate the end of their time at HAO, with 3 tables of homemade dishes from Jerk chicken, dumplings, pizza and baked sweet treats. Thank you to everyone who supported the whole process to ensure it was the perfect family send off.


Congratulations to our 6th form football team on winning the U19 Kent School Academies League. The second trophy of the year! A domestic double having secured the U19 Bromley league!


Last Friday saw another great session for Fitness club at Harris Orpington. This time the group were doing a little boxercise and padwork.


As draws to a close, here are 6 reminders for the hard days.Remember to prioritise your wellbeing, and give support to those who might need it.👇 Comment below your own positive reminders that help you during a tough day.


HAO Basketball is up and running. It was a great turn out for our second Basketball session with Nxt Level Coaching.All students really enjoyed the session and are looking forward to next week’s already!


Kinetic Harris Orpington ~ Bromley Cup Winners 2024 🏆🥳 |


The boys held on though and deservedly won. A big thankyou to all the staff that came out to support the team. The boys truly appreciated it!


HAO - The best sixth form team in Bromley!! For this talented group, the expectation was to bring back a trophy this year and the boys truly delivered.


🎶🎵 Save the date! 🎵🗣🎻🎺📯 🥁🎷🎸🎹 🎼 🎵 🎶#HAOmusic

Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

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Year 7 Transition



A huge welcome to our Year 7 students who are joining us in September and congratulations on securing your place here! We cannot wait for you to join our thriving academy community.

We know that you are probably feeling a mixture of emotions; nervous about moving to secondary school, excited about meeting new friends and learning new subjects but also a little apprehensive about settling in.

Please do not worry, we know that starting secondary school is daunting, but we will make the transition as smooth and comfortable as possible.

Year 7 Transition Programme:

Tuesday 9th July 2024 – Induction Day 9.15am – 2.45pm

We are so excited to welcome you to our amazing academy. Please join us on Tuesday 9th July 2024 to tour our academy, try out some secondary lessons, meet your new teachers and make new friends. Please bring a packed lunch on this day.

Tuesday 16th July 2024 – Year 7 Welcome Event 4.45pm-5.30pm

For our Parents and Carers of our incoming Year 7 for September 2024: Please join us at the academy to meet with Mr Carey, Head of Academy, and Miss Champion, Assistant Principal who oversees transition, to share more details of your child’s experience at Harris Academy Orpington.

Tuesday 3rd September 2024 - Year 7 First day of School

Your first day at the academy in your new uniform, proudly wearing your blazer! On your first day we only have Year 7 students in the academy. It is really important that you get an opportunity to follow your timetable and get to know the building and our expectations without other year groups around. We can also complete important admin on this day too like getting your photograph taken and organising your ParentPay lunch account. Please bring a packed lunch on this day.

Thursday 12th September 2024 - Year 7 Meet the Tutor Evening 4pm - 5pm.

We will be hosting a meet the tutor evening for parents and carers to meet their child’s form tutor. Discuss how your child has settled in over the first few weeks of secondary school, see their books and meet their teachers.


Open Day

Harris Academy Orpington Year 7 Transition - Most Asked Questions

If you think of anything else then please do not hesitate to contact us on

On the first day, will we go on a tour of the academy?

Of course! We will ensure that all our pupils get the opportunity to see all of the building and get an idea of where their lessons will be taking place. We do not expect you all to learn this immediately, we know that this takes a little time and there will be lots of signs around the academy to help you find your way. Please ask any member of staff if you are unsure!

What are the start and finish times for year 7 students?

The academy is open each day from 8.00am and Year 7 students are expected to arrive no later than 8:20am Monday to Friday. They finish their day at 3:10pm.

How many lessons will year 7 have each day?

Year 7 students have 8 lessons per day. A single lesson is 40 minutes long.

Do the pupils get homework every day?

Homework is an essential part of the learning process and teachers will use homework as a way of consolidating and promoting independent learning. Students will not receive homework everyday.

Regarding children who might have learning difficulties, how will the children be assessed or how do you receive the information about children that might need SENCO support? For example, dyslexia.

We have contacted all our new Year 7’s primary schools’ and requested all SEN information. We also carry out LUCID testing for all students which enables us to detect any undiagnosed special educational needs and ensure students receive the support and differentiation needed.

Will I be in the same lessons as the people in my form group?

Not necessarily, secondary school is different to primary school in lots of ways – but one of the key aspects is that you move around the building and work with different groups of students. This will mean that you may be with different students in different classes.

How do I get involved in extracurricular clubs?

We have an exciting array of extracurricular clubs at Harris Academy Orpington and it is a fantastic way to learn new skills, meet new friends and get really involved in the academy community.

What languages do students do in Year 7?

We have a thriving modern languages department at Harris Academy Orpington and we are very proud that all our Year 7 students will learn French.

Do the children get a locker or on days where they need PE or other kit are they expected to carry it around?

We do not have lockers on site and students are expected to bring their PE kit only on the days that they are timetabled to have PE or are participating in a PE Extra Curricular Activity.

What are the options for food/drinks (bring your own or purchase at school) and is it cashless?

Students are welcome to bring their own healthy packed lunch, or we have lots of options available at our canteen, before school for breakfast and at break and lunchtime. We do not allow large bottles of fizzy drinks, large bags of crisps or boxes of biscuits / crackers at the academy. We do operate a cashless system where students use their fingerprint or a PIN number to pay from an account that is topped up online by parents/carers. Information on signing up to this will be sent out in advance

How will I know what to bring on my first day and if I have packed lunch do I have to keep it in my school bag until lunch time?

Each student needs to bring a black bag to school with them every day. You should carry in your bag a pencil case, with black or blue pens, ruler, pencils, eraser and a red pen. All students should also always have a personal reading book with them. Please do not worry if you do not have a reading book you can take one out of the library. If you do bring a packed lunch, then yes you will need to carry it with you as we are unable to store food items for students.

If we arrive early can we sit in the library?

Absolutely! Our students love to read, and the library is at the heart of our academy. Our wonderful librarian Mrs Smith be ready to welcome you in from 8am each day.

Do we have a teacher we can speak to, if things are confusing at the beginning of Year 7 or we need advice?

All our staff are here to help and support with settling into Harris Academy Orpington, but your form tutor will be the best person to go to in the first instance. You will see them every morning and you will get to know each other very well as we go through the school year. Your form tutor will be able to answer any questions or concerns you have so please do ask – however minor they may seem!

If I were to have an Asthma attack at school, will there be an inhaler close by for me?

It is essential that students who suffer with asthma bring in two inhalers; one to be always stored securely onsite in the medical room and one to carry with them. We also have emergency inhalers onsite. Any student who does have an asthma attack whilst at school will be well looked after by our Welfare Team and parents will be contacted.

Do students have to keep their jumpers/blazers on all the time?

Jumpers are not mandatory (although they are recommended in the winter months!) but students must always have their blazers with them.

At playtime and lunchtime will there be a mixture of year groups on the playground or just Year 7s?

We have one lunchtime at the Academy. This does mean that Year 7s will be with other year groups during lunch but Year 7s will benefit from the use of a single area to use during break and lunchtime. This area is solely designated for year 7 students.

Although it is a no mobile phone policy, would they be allowed their mobile on their person/in their personal belongings (if switched off) for travelling to and from school?

Students can carry their mobile phone whilst travelling to/from the academy, but it must be switched off before entering the school gates, stored in their bag and not seen at the academy. If a students’ mobile phone is seen it will be confiscated and collected from staff at the end of the day. We do not take any responsibility for mobile phones that are lost whilst at the academy.

Free Schools Meals

If your child is entitled to receive Free School Meals, you have to apply online at Please be aware that this website is linked to the government’s data which cross checks your eligibility for Free School Meals.

To apply for Free School Meals for your child, you must be in receipt of the one of the following benefits:

  • Income Support
  • Income-based Jobseekers Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • the guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
  • Child tax credit with an annual gross income into the household that is no more than £16,190, provided you are not entitled to working tax credit. If you are entitled to any part of working tax credit there is no eligibility with the exception of working tax run-on as shown below
  • Working Tax Credit run-on - paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit

To complete an application you will need to provide:

  • Your own name and date of birth
  • Contact details
  • National Insurance Number or National Asylum Seekers Number
  • Child's name and date of birth
  • School your child is attending/will attend.

After completing the application online and submitting the form, there are three possible outcomes:

  • Found – Confirmed the eligibility to Free School Meals – please inform the Academy at immediately.
  • Not Found – You are not eligible to Free School Meals.
  • Service Down – Please try again later.